Saturday, August 13, 2016

What do you want to see in an author newsletter?


Some of you may have noticed that I’ve completely neglected my emailing list for a long time now. Adult life has kind of hit me out of nowhere and left me scrambling to keep up with everything. As I attempt to better organize, one of the things I’m trying to get going is a bi-monthly newsletter. That has led me to ask, what do readers want from an author newsletter? I’ve done a little research and have a few ideas, but since you all are the ones who will be reading it, I wanted to ask you. I’ve created the little survey below. In the first box you can give suggestions of what you would love to see in my newsletter. Below that, you can pick the ideas that are most interesting to you. I plan to have the first of my new newsletters out next month, so your help and suggestions are greatly appreciated! And if you haven't signed up for my emailing list, but would like to, you can do so here. :)

1 comment:

  1. One question. By Q&A, do you mean the kind of Q&A K. M. Weiland does in her newsletter (answering one question)?
